關於Brighton & Hove
布萊頓/白禮頓(Brighton )是一座位在英國南方Sussex 郡的濱海旅遊城市,人口約三十二萬,距離倫敦76公里(火車一小時)⋯Brighton 出名嘅係一個迷人嘅石灘,周邊有不同嘅海鮮餐廳,夜店,觀光設施等⋯Brighton 亦係一個出名的自由城市,男女同性戀非常活躍,夜生活亦非常出名⋯另外足球上brighton and hove albion亦係英超球隊之一,每週吸引大量球迷旅客觀賽⋯Brighton 有2所大學,university of brighton 同university of sussex,因此Brighton 亦係充滿大量學生居住嘅大學城市⋯
Brighton每區嘅設施資訊,方便大家認路,之後會每區再深入介紹(for 香港人)
-Brighton (市中心,購物區)
Brighton pier, 火車站,Churchill square 商埸, the lanes & Noth lanes步行街,Royal Pavilion 宮殿,Brighton town hall 市政中心 , i360 觀光塔,
Preston st 亞洲人街
Hove火車站, Hove park , Hove town hall 市政中心,彩虹屋
Royal Sussex country hospital 醫院,job center , Brighton court 法院,Brighton police station 警局,American Express 大樓,同志酒吧, sea life水族館
-Preston (住宅休閒區)
Preston火車站, Preston park 大型休閒公園, the Rockery 日式花園
Brighton marina(住宅休閒區)
24小時Asda 超市,24小麥當奴,出海碼頭,假日休閒區
Amex stadium 球場,Sussex uni(大學),Stanmer park自然教育公園
顯示Brighton 位於Sussex 郡,係全國多個郡入面排名相對較後嘅32,每1000人入面有59.5人犯罪⋯對比英國其他地方,Brighton 算係治安唔錯⋯
主要係Brighton and Hove 2020年第二季度的前五種犯罪(截至12個月)包括
Violence against the person - without injury offences recorded
Violence against the person - with injury offences recorded
Public order offences recorded
Criminal damage and arson offences recorded
Other theft offences recorded
入面亦有每一區嘅犯罪情況,Bn1 為例比較嚴重嘅係 Anti-social behaviours(包括醉酒鬧事,性侵犯,破壞店舖等)另外 violent crime(暴力), shoplifting (店舖盜竊)等都係BN1比較常出現⋯
Brighton & Hove Council 範圍
Brighton & Hove 和附近市鎮,大約究竟係邊個Council 負責,希望對於新來嘅朋友有多啲附近分區嘅概念⋯因為好多住屋問題,交稅,交通,甚至倒垃圾,都係當區市政府負責⋯所以了解自己係邊區都好重要㗎
Brighton & Hove council, 屬於亦係 East Sussex 郡一部份, 沿海岸由東邊Saltdean 嘅一部份,到西邊Portslade 都係屬於 Brighton & Hove council 嘅管轄範圍-
• Brunswick and Adelaide
* Central Hove
* East Brighton
* Goldsmid
* Hangleton and Knoll
* Hanover and Elm Grove
* Hollingdean and Stanmer
* Moulsecoomb and Bevendean
* North Portslade
* Patcham
* Preston Park
* Queen's Park
* Regency
* Rottingdean Coastal
* St. Peter's and North Laine
* South Portslade
* Hove Park
* Westbourne
* Wish
* Withdean
* Woodingdean
至於Brighton附近嘅東邊,包括Lewes , Peacehaven, Newhaven 同Seaford 都係屬於Lewes District
Council,,同様屬於East Sussex 郡一部份-
* Seaford Central
* Barcombe and Hamsey
* Chailey and Wivelsfield
* Ditchling and Westmeston
* East Saltdean and Telscombe Cliffs
* Kingston
* Lewes Bridge
* Lewes Castle
* Lewes Priory
* Newhaven Denton and Meeching
* Newhaven Valley
* Newick
* Ouse Valley and Ringmer
* Peacehaven East
* Peacehaven North
* Peacehaven West
* Plumpton, Streat, East Chiltington and St John (Without)
* Seaford East
* Seaford North
* Seaford South
* Seaford West
至於Brighton 嘅西邊,包括 Shore-by-Sea,Lancing,Worthing、southwick ,都係屬於Adur & Worthing Councils管轄, 屬於west Sussex 郡,當中所有區域包括
* Buckingham
* Churchill
* Cokeham
* Eastbrook
* Hillside
* Manor
* Marine
* Mash Barn
* Peverel
* St Mary's
* St Nicolas
* Southlands
* Southwick Green
* Widewater
Brighton 火車站
- Brighton火車站附近主要都係住宅,餐廳同新式寫字樓,係地圖火車站右上方(東北),五分鐘路程就係好多港人就讀嘅私校Bellerbys college ,而地圖上火車站向右(東面)係行五分鐘,city point Brighton 嗰位有一間大sainsbury超級市場,以及日本雜貨店,而Paris Bistro亦係一間有水準嘅西餐廳,st Bartholomew’s CE primary school係附近,而繼續向右就係London road,包括有ALDI平價超市,Kogi 韓式料理,Bangkok kitchen 泰餐廳,聚湘緣中餐,Brighton open market(海鮮,肉店等),再過就係the level公園,有滑板埸,st Peters church 都係附近⋯
- 而火車站正出口一出就係一個巴士大站亦係交通匯處,地圖右手邊有一個小型玩具博物館,一直向右行同一條街Trafalgar st, 有一大堆咖啡店,有間milk no sugar越南河咖啡店, Brighton 算最好嘅日本餐廳O’shio,另外鐘意哈利波特嘅Oliver’s Brighton 小店
- 地圖上火車站嘅左邊係上山住Seven Dials(住hove方向), 有一間Murasaki restaurant日式料理⋯ 而地圖上火車向下係Queens Rd,行大約十分鐘就全到市中心商埸Churchill square,而沿途Queens Rd會有三間中餐及2間中超⋯
- 總括而言Brighton火車站附近人流相對較多,但亦係最方便嘅一區⋯
Churchill square shopping center
- Churchill square shopping center 係Brighton 最大型購物商場,位於Brighton 市中心,商埸外已經係Brighton 最大嘅巴士站,大部分Brighton 巴士都會經過,商場內好多嘅大型英國同國際連鎖式商店都係入面⋯
- 當中包括,3電訊商,蘋果電腦,H&M , HMV, Hollister , JD(英國運動公司),Levi’s , Pull&Bear , Top Shop, ZARA, WHSmith(文具書店),郵局,Debenhams(大型百貨)等
- 商埸對面亦係購物集中地,包括Primark, Currys PC World(影音電器), Homesense(家用品百貨),New look, Gap, Starbucks ,kokoro等
- 另外,係商場外長期會有小食車,漢堡包小販等,可以買d小食之後坐係附近休息
Brighton Marina
- Brighton Marina 係位於Brighton 沿岸東邊比較自成一角嘅一個大型人工碼頭,主要係工作碼頭及住宅區,工作碼頭內有安置住大量遊艇和船隻,提供大量水上活動包括潛水,釣魚等⋯該區樓價租金都比市中心低D少少,雖然自成一角但係區內擁有配套十分充足包括24小時營業大型超市,24小時營業快餐,賭場,戲院,gym,油站,洒店以及十多間餐廳等⋯交通上雖然無市中心咁方便但如果無車的話亦有巴士到Brighton train station 及hove train station ,徒步半小時內到Brighton 市中心...
- Brighton Marina 環境和生活都非常舒服,喜歡生活近海或水上活動嘅朋友絕對係一個唔錯嘅選擇,治安上亦有自己嘅保安人員,相對上安全。
- Brighton Marina的主要問題除了交通外,因為近海所以非常大風,另外因為娛樂上充足,因此每個週末都會有不少家庭到Brighton Marina消遣,人流會較多。
Preston Park
- Brighton 市中心,Preston係相對較靜嘅住宅區,有多所學校係附近,有一個大型嘅休閒公園,亦有小型超市,交通上有巴士及火車,距離Brighton 市中心行走約30min-45min路程⋯
- Preston 最大嘅優點就係擁有一個大型嘅休閒公園,入面包括有網球場,棒球場,咖啡室,一個好靚嘅Rose Garden, 莊園,以及運動場,絕對係一個健康嘅休閒地方⋯此外係公園對面亦有一個園藝花園the Rockery 亦非常值得去參觀⋯
- 區內亦有好幾所學校,包括St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary school, Dorothy Stringer school ,Varndean college , Varndean school , Balfour Primary school ,
- Preston 位於進出Brighton 和A23公路上(直達London ),交通較為繁忙⋯
下面網站有關於Preston 區嘅數據資料可以參考
- Hove 主要係住宅區,相對想係中上階層嘅區樓價亦相對較高,對比其他城市治安比較好⋯Hove 有自己嘅town center,雖然唔大,但有不同餐廳,小店,超市等一應俱全⋯
- Hove交通亦算完善,除咗巴士網路外,亦有三個火車站,Hove, Aldrington 同 Portslade, 距離Brighton station只需幾分鐘.
- Hove 呢區沿海有五公里長嘅海濱長廊,係彩虹小屋嘅所在地,亦有一個40英畝大嘅Hove park 公園 ,設施包括足球場,籃球場,攀石牆,網球場及咖啡店等,係主要居民休閒區之一
- 另一個Hove嘅重點就係校區,有大約八所小學School, St. Andrew's CE School, West Hove Junior School, Benfield Junior School, Goldstone Primary School, Hangleton Junior School, Cottesmore St Mary's Catholic School, Mile Oak Primary School, Bilingual Primary School, Brunswick Primary School and well as Aldrington CE School
四所中學Blatchington Mill School, Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Hove Park School and King's School.
還有好幾所私立學校,Hove College, Deepdene School, Lancing College Preparatory School,The Montessori Place, The Drive Prep School and St Christopher's School
- 呢嗰網站有更多hove嘅數據,大家可以參考下
West Pier
West Pier是Brighton 最出名地標之一,由1866年開始使用。屬於英國第一家被列為一級保護的碼頭,但是自1975年因財困關閉,後來於2003年發生大火,結果變成今日咁⋯雖然碼頭燒成廢墟,但依舊係Brighton 地標之一,吸引大量遊客觀光及攝影,日落時風景非常引人入勝,正因如此現時West Pier背後正正就係i360觀光塔⋯
Brighton pier
Brighton 最出名景點之一Brighton pier, 雖然佢歷史悠久,但其實只不過係一個遊樂場同冒險樂園,入面有過山車,鬼屋,攤位遊戲,電子賭場等⋯係比一家大細假日休閒嘅娛樂埸所⋯喺2017年被列為英國第四大流行嘅免費景點之一,喺倫敦以外遊客最多嘅旅遊勝地每年超過4,500,000遊客⋯
由於 Brighton pier長到達525米,所以在碼頭內回望Brighton 城市風景是非常有味道,配上Pier內海鮮餐廳絕對是享受⋯
小心海鷗小心海鷗小心海鷗 小心海鷗小心海鷗小心海鷗 小心海鷗小心海鷗小心海鷗 小心海鷗小心海鷗小心海鷗 小心海鷗小心海鷗小心海鷗
Royal Pavilion
Royal Pavilion是位於英國旅遊勝地Brighton入面既一所豪華宮殿,為威爾士親王喬治所建既!宮殿就在布賴頓的中心。外觀受到印度伊斯蘭建築風格的強烈影響,有點類似印度的泰姬陵,屬於國家二級保護建築。
絕對係Brighton beach以外其中一個放空聖地!Amex Stadium
係呢個American Express Community Stadium,
鍾意足球嘅朋友仔仲可以加入埋當地球迷會添!British Airways i360
British Airways i360 係Brighton 地標之一,係2016年落成,取代原先另一地標摩天輪,I360觀光塔高162米,可同時容納200人,在塔內可以觀賞整個Brighton 市景色,如果日落就更加吸引,旅遊設施內包括酒吧,咖啡店,精品店⋯塔內除了日常觀光外,亦可當作活動埸地,包括瑜伽班,婚宴,派對,廣告等⋯正常25分鐘觀光門票£ 7.4,亦有其他套票選擇⋯
Brighton Clock Tower
Brighton Clock Tower 雖然唔係大景點,但亦係Brighton 主要地標之一,主要因為clock tower 係正市中心嘅中心,火車站沿Queens road5-10min就會到,而clock tower 每一個方向附近都係Brighton 主要地標中心 ,例如Churchill Square商場,海邊,戲院,north st步行街等,。Brighton Clock Tower修建於1888年,主要為咗紀念維多利亞女王加冕50週年而興建。現在Brighton Clock Tower 被列為英格蘭遺產,並且也是英國二級登錄建築。Brighton Clock Tower聖誕時亦會有燈飾裝置⋯係打卡嘅熱點之一
ODEON Brighton cinema
電影院於1937年開幕,係Brighton 最熱鬧區域地標之一,附近有不少夜店同餐廳,甚至戲院內都有夜店,係娛樂消遣嘅集中地,經過多年裝修改建現時電影院內已經係現代化設備.另外英國戲院零食都特別多,當然不少得經典熱狗玉米片和爆米花仲有Ben&Jerry朱古力軟糖布朗尼雪糕可以任君選擇另外英國戲院ONEON 會員,免費會員可以儲分換戲飛,另外可以以月費形式,大約20磅內無限睇任何戲⋯不過Brighton 呢間內部有啲侷促大家可以注意一下
網址: https://www.odeon.co.uk/offers-membership/
地址:Kingswest,west st,Brighton BN1 2RE
電話:+44 333 014 4501Brighton 三大賭場
Genting Casino Brighton
如果玩到黃昏時間肚餓,係正Preston st
地址6-8 Preston St, Brighton BN1 2HN
Pier Nine
地址:9 Grand Jct Rd, Brighton BN1 1PP
Rendezvous Casino
位於Marina 海邊最大型賭場
地址: Brighton Marina, 7 Western Concourse,, Park Square, Brighton BN2 5UT
Brighton town hall (市政廳) &Brighton & hove city council 嘅客戶服務中心( Bartholomew House )
Brighton town hall (市政廳)及 Brighton & hove city council ( Bartholomew House ) 位置於 市中心嘅Bartholomew Square ,現在嘅市政廳係由1830年建造,屬於二級建築,除咗係政府工作嘅部門外,亦係主要舉辦結婚簽紙嘅場所。
Bartholomew Rd, Brighton BN1 1JW
而隔離係Brighton & hove city council 嘅客戶服務中心( Bartholomew House ),服務包括business rates ,Council Tax , Housing benefit , social fund ,housing assessment 等, 而家疫情服務暫時已經轉哂online ...
Bartholomew Square, Bartholomew House, Brighton BN1 1JE
Devil's Dyke, Sussex
Devil's Dyke 係Brighton 其中一個郊外旅遊景點,非常適合行山同埋休閒嘅一個地方,沿途可以欣賞到Brighton 及Sussex 嘅景色⋯隔日會吸引到好多家庭帶埋小朋友同狗狗去享受大自然⋯
前往Devil's Dyke 除咗可以自己揸車、亦有77號巴士可以到達⋯山上邊有小型酒店同餐廳⋯ 絕對適合一家大細假日休閒嘅好地方
Devil’s Dyke 之所以出名背後亦有幾個原因,喺地質上獨特嘅V型山谷係經過上萬年嘅溶蝕同河流侵蝕型成⋯
Devil's Dyke Rd, Brighton BN1 8YJ
https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/devils-dykeBrighton queen’s park
Brighton queen’s park 都算係Brighton 有歷史價值嘅一個區,係1825年建造,當初設定為獨立別墅包圍嘅住宅公園,曾經係水療中心,亦係天然礦泉水廠,都因為咁,呢一區咁多年嚟都住過好多名門望族,有錢人喺呢度附近曾經居住過⋯而公園本身80世紀未,俾人捐咗出嚟成為公眾地方⋯
時至今日,呢個市區公園已經成為咗個好重要嘅休閒地方,入邊除咗有兒童遊樂設施,coffee shop, 網球場等,仲有個小小嘅野生生物區,入邊有松鼠, 鴨,天鵝,狐狸等, 有池塘同好多樹木同灌木⋯都唔使等假日,平日放工行過都覺得個人輕鬆咗⋯Brighton duke of york's picturehouse
Brighton duke of york's picturehouse
UA 戲院喺香港屹立咗 36年後終於都結業,代表着一個時代嘅終結⋯而係英國Brighton London road 就有一間英國現存最古老嘅電影院, Duke of york's picture house 建於1910年,已經有111年歷史,設有接近300個座位,酒吧,豪華陽台等,整個建築都可以睇得出係為當年貴族而設,因應城市發展1981年開始以藝術電影院營運,其後幾十年間不斷有現代化翻新,時至今日仍然放映住不同嘅藝術電影同獨立電影,亦會做首映用途... 如果想了解更多歷史可以喺呢度睇http://dukeofyorkscinema.co.uk/
Brighton 健身中心
Brighton最大最多嘅24小時健身中心、係Brighton 最大最受歡迎嘅就係Puergym 同the gym,佢地係24小時開放,價格亦非常貼地,因應個人需要大約由£20-30月費,當中有唔同團體班,但要私人教練就額外收費、同香港唔同英國無人會迫你入會,亦唔會海鮮價,只要網上申請,價格一至,想幾時取消就幾時取消,非常user friendly ,當然咁受歡迎嘅平民gym流量亦非常就高,所以24小時好處就可以分流,而且Brighton 亦有多間分店,真係做gym方便嗰去7仔⋯
https://www.thegymgroup.comDobbies Gordon centers
Dobbies Gordon centers 係Brighton 最大間買花園,園藝用品嘅中心,位置係Elm Grove 最上嘅位置,係Brighton 馬埸隔離⋯
Dobbies Gordon centre 主要係售賣花園嘅用品,有齊所有園藝園林工具,種子,肥料,鳥類或小型野生動物用品,清潔用品,寵物用品,戶外燒烤及烘焙用品,美化環境材料,戶外家居用品等等等等⋯所有家居戶外花園既工具及材料⋯
黎到英國買咗屋嘅朋友,不妨去了解下,可以打造自己喜歡嘅花園,佢哋嘅網站亦都有教學,由新手種盆栽,點樣種植食物,種樹,到唔同月份種乜嘢花,點樣設計自己嘅花園,工具點樣用,都有唔同嘅教學⋯Brighton Dobbies Gordon centers 鄰近馬場,假日休閒去行吓都係一個唔錯嘅選擇小鎮Lewes
Brighton 15分鐘車程附近有一個小鎮Lewes 最近被英國泰晤士報為最適宜居住地方之一。之所以咁適宜居住有好幾個原因,首先自然環境上,位處於South Downs 上,有着完美嘅鄉村地理位置,加上小鎮坐落於Ouse河上及各個城堡及修道院建築遺跡, 令你行到邊都感覺風景如畫。
此外本身小鎮文化底蘊亦好豐富,除咗為人熟悉嘅Lewes bonfire night, 亦有好重要嘅歷史建築Lewes castle , 喺街道上有着華麗嘅中世紀維多利亞時期嘅建築物,Lewes曾經亦係 Anne of Cleves 皇后嘅故居.
Lewes 雖然係小鎮,但都有着各種各樣嘅Cafe,酒吧餐館等,對於香港人來講Lewes 絕對唔係一個方便嘅地方,但如果想追求一個清靜,純樸,追求簡單嘅生活,Lewes 絕對係一個好舒服嘅生活環境。
Hove Lagoon
今次介紹一下係Hove嘅水上活動中心, 沿住Brighton 海邊Kingsway向西行,有個位置Western Lawns 中有個戶外水上活動中心,包括Hove Lagoon Model Yacht Club 遊艇模型俱樂部及 Hove Lagoon water sports center 水上活動中心, 當中運動包括滑水,滑浪風帆,帆船,水上電單車等等, 由小童級數到成人專業等級都有唔同課程,平日假期有唔同活動可供選擇,有小童及成人試玩活動,一家大細嘅家庭日活動,成班人嘅BBQ活動都有,有興趣嘅朋友可以上佢網站度睇,記得book咗先去
水上中心周圍有cafe,兒童遊樂園,Basin road south local wildlife site小型野生保護區,彩虹小屋,以及the fish shop 海產批發零售店, 又係一個值得假日去嘅地方,可以以玩完成日再買餸
Brighton Jubilee library
Brighton Jubilee library , 係Brighton市中心最大嘅公共圖書館,2005年開放,圖書館利用木材同大量玻璃設計,其可持續性嘅建築設計,包括風能,太陽能,自然加熱冷卻等室內建築設計,獲得無數綠色建築,藝術建築等範疇嘅獎項,亦係2007年吸引女王參觀。除咗普通書籍外,入邊亦有唔同關於Brighton 甚至英國嘅歷史文獻,吸引唔少大學嘅學生及學者.
對於新來嘅香港朋友,如果又想吸收下英國嘅文化氣息,不妨都參觀下,黎到呢邊讀書嘅學生呢個亦都係你哋好好溫書同搵參考書嘅地方,圖書館位置位於市中心,隔離就係Brighton Museum & Art Gallery,Royal pavilion皇宮,更重要嘅係附近有好多唔同食肆,Burger brothers, five guys, Pompoko,Bills等
Brighton job centre
呢個就好似香港嘅勞工處,但當然提供嘅服務更加多同更專業,除咗可以搵工之外,亦有Job club 我以為你搵工提供,包括面試及CV撰寫支援,為年輕人而設嘅工作配對服務,定期工作workshop,更重要嘅NI Number都可以喺呢度申請 .
除咗有關工作嘅嘢之外,universal credit英國嘅福利系統,都係呢度負責,當中包括免稅,住屋福利,求職期間基礎收入,各種津貼,養老金等都會喺呢度幫你. 相信嚟緊B N O嘅經濟援助都會喺呢度負責.
The Level
The Level 係Brighton 市中心嘅一個公園,入面包括一d啲 coffee shop , 遊樂場,滑板埸等嘅休閒設施,每年亦會吸引唔同event 係呢到舉辦,包括有機動遊戲嘅嘉年華,音樂聚會等⋯
其實除咗一D市民用途外,歴史上The Level 亦有唔同角色,例如係威爾斯親王(查理斯)嘅板球埸, 紀念拿破崙戰敗活動,維多利亞女王加冕,以及各種政治及軍事活動等⋯
The level 亦獲得Green Flag Award , civic trust award 同 Landscape award ,絕對唔簡單
https://thelevelbrighton.org.ukBrighton center
Brighton center , 係Brighton 最主要嘅 室內表演場地,1977 開始已經投入服務,2012年進行過大翻新,歷年來亦吸引好多唔同嘅知名人士嚟表演,例如Jackson 5(MJ) , ed sheeran ,passenger ,James blunt , il divo, O suilvan, lion king , DAVID GUETTA ,
Brighton center 除咗會有嚟切世界各地嘅演唱會及音樂表演和歌劇外,亦會提供場地俾各個政治團體進行選舉,亦會提供場地俾大學進行畢業禮,疫情期間提供場地俾市民接種疫苗等⋯
Booth Museum
Brighton 雖然唔算大,但亦有唔同大大小小嘅博物館,而其中一間就係Booth Museum , 係一間自然歷史博物館,雖然唔算好大,但都床有超過500,000嘅收藏,博物館於1874年由Edward Thomas Booth 開設, 本來有好多維多利亞時代嘅動物標本,而制造標本嘅技術亦都係嗰個年代獨有,當中有唔少英國嘅鳥類昆蟲,亦有唔少奇珍異獸嘅動植物化石同岩石等,甚至有翼龍嘅化石⋯博物館免費開放嘅,喜歡科學地理考古嘅朋友,不妨去研究吓
Stammer park Brighton
Stammer park Brighton 嘅後花園, 係一個鄰近Sussex大學嘅大型公園,距離Brighton市中心大約15-20分鐘車程, 聽日同假日都會吸引大量市民去郊遊放鬆,公園內其實都有好多唔同嘅野生動物同植物,包括禿鷹,隼,狐狸,獾,貓頭鷹等多種烏類,亦有唔同品種嘅花,例如蘭花同牛蒡,絕對係休閒假日郊遊輕鬆嘅好地方,仲有免費泊車
除咗動植物外,當中亦有唔少歷史悠久嘅建築,例如中世紀已經喺度嘅Stanmer Church(英國二級遺產),喜歡英國歷史建築嘅人絕對要嚟睇吓,戇豆先生都曾經喺度拍過一集,而附近嘅村莊遺址亦受到當局嘅保護 , Stanmer House 係一座一級保護嘅豪宅,早在1722 建造,直到到而家一直打理得好好,開放之後可以參觀吓!
Newhaven Fort
喜歡英國軍事歷史嘅朋友,係Brighton 附近的Newhaven 有一個Newhaven Fort , 係一個19世紀建造嘅一個軍事堡壘,由1862年用超過600萬磚塊建成,係Sussex最大嘅防禦工程係一戰同二戰年代配備咗唔同嘅槍炮,亦係當年非常重要嘅海岸防衛及港口設施⋯時至今日已經成為博物館,介紹一戰,sussex 防衛歴史,二戰時英國人生活等,當然唔少得戰時用具,文獻,大炮等⋯博物館亦有cafe 同兒童設施,絕對適合一家假日去學習下
Brighton Racecourse
Brighton Racecourse
Brighton馬場, 位於Whitehawk Hill ,早在1783年已經開始舉行活動,雖然佢唔係一個大型嘅馬場,但仍然係一個南部受歡迎嘅一個馬場,位於山上面,優越嘅風景位置,假日絕對吸引唔少人你放假,馬場亦長期舉行唔同大大小小嘅活動,包括馬場嘅野餐,Ladies day, 大型嘅音樂節,馬場入邊包括有餐廳同埋酒店,亦開放比唔同團體舉辦活動會議派對婚禮等,由於跑馬亦都係嘅傳統活動,大家去體驗嘅時候都要留意返Dress code嘅要求,唔可以着運動衫,休閒短褲,拖鞋等等⋯不過我都鼓勵大家嘗試下去感受下
Royal Sussex County Hospital
Barry Building, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BE
Royal Sussex country hospital, 係Brighton 算係最大間嘅一間醫院,由NHS , University of Brighton, University of Sussex 共同管理,提供急症,癌症,骨科,心臟科,婦產科等等嘅服務⋯
醫院成立於1828年,經過多年改建及重建,最新一項重建項目從2014年開始,預計2024年落成,希望會為Brighton 提供更更多病床,設施,及緊急服務等,以有效提升硬件需要.
Royal Sussex country hospital 位置於Kemptown 嘅Eastern road BN2 5BE
巴士1, 1A, 7, N7 14B, 14C, 23, 27C, 37, 37B, 47, 52, 57, 71, 73, 94A, 271 and 272 都可以到達⋯
The Montefiore Hospital
2 Montefiore Rd, Hove BN3 1RD
Mill View Hospital
Hove Polyclinic
Practice Plus Brighton Station Health Centre
The Seven Dials Medical Centre
夏天嘅Brighton大約六月至八月,日間可以熱至29-35度,晚間會跌至18-20度咗右,而且夏天英國夏天日照時間較長,大約晚上八九點先開始天黑,所以放工放學後都有較長時間享受太陽,正因如此Brighton 長長嘅石灘成為每年夏天英國消暑熱點之一⋯
從十一月中開始到二三月都係處於比較涷嘅狀態,溫度晚間大約-2度至日間6-10度不等 英國冬天日照時間比較短,下午三四點已經天黑。而Brighton因沿海關係比較大風,加上寒冷天氣同成日落雨...
Good friend
24-25 Preston St, Brighton BN1 2HN
呢間中餐係brighton扎根多年,老闆係香港人,佢嘅廣東菜老實講好食過好多香港開既酒樓...佢嘅燒鴨,火腩生蠔煲,蒜香骨,三色蛋仲有好多...都係家嘅感覺呀!由初初黎到Brighton到而家都係細佬我嘅飯堂黎仲有好多老伙記見你成日黎都會好friendly,主動過黎打招呼,幾有人情味⋯唔知係Brighton 嘅朋友有無啲招牌菜分享吓
CK Bistro
Brighton 店-23 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XG (Main Store)
Hove 店-3 George Street , Hove BN3 3YA (Hove Branch)
Tel: 07743018285
CK Bistro 棋哥茶餐廳,係一間完全港式嘅茶餐廳,喺Brighton 同Hove各有一間,員工大部份用返香港人,入到去就好有親切感,而能夠嚟到英國食到蝦子雲吞麵,乾炒牛河,西多士,焗豬扒飯,紅豆冰,雜扒飯,奶油豬等已經係冇得輸⋯而且晚市會有港式套餐,例如沙嗲牛肉粉絲煲,滑蛋蝦仁,咖喱牛腩,梅菜扣肉,豉油雞等⋯簡直好似返咗香港,唔同節日仲有唔同嘅特別餐單
香港年輕人係Brighton開嘅健康果汁茶店Rawlab, 冷壓果汁用慢磨技術,更加原汁原味更加健康⋯除此之外亦都有好多亞洲嘅單一產地手工荼提供,有頂級嘅鐵觀音,日本煎茶,台灣文山包種茶等,最重要係有不同嘅抹茶甜品⋯鄰近Brighton 火車站, 行開行埋記得支持下
73 Trafalgar Street Brighton and Hove
New Era
6B Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3WA
如果鐘意食中國東北菜嘅朋友,brighton clock tower 有一間天下一家(New Era),食物水準高,廚師係正宗東北人,菜色多,糖醋魚塊,水煮魚,螞蟻上樹, 椒鹽排骨,酸菜白肉鍋等等,正常情況重有任食火鍋,大約£20,重有大量中式醬料提供⋯另外老闆娘係Brighton 生活多年,對客人親切,對我地D熟客亦照顧週到⋯雖然而家疫情但都有提供外賣服務...
87-88 Trafalgar St, Brighton BN1 4ER
呢間野嘅食物由壽司,刺身,魚生飯,到韓式炸雞 ,部隊鍋....乜都有,仲要好高質,真係總有一款岩你食
110 Church St, Brighton BN1 1UD
Brighton 中心地帶一間日式食店,主要提供日本飯丼,串燒,章魚燒,咖喱飯,烏冬,綠茶雪糕等等,價錢相對其他食肆便宜,平均£5-10消費⋯佢哋位置係正,Royal pavilion 同Brighton Dome 隔離,而家提供戶外座位,絕對係感受Brighton 嘅好地方,附近嘅街道亦都好多街頭賣藝表演,氣氛亦相當好
Bincho Yakitori
63 Preston St, Brighton BN1 2HE
Bincho居洒居係Brighton 非常受歡迎,長期full booking , 原因好簡單,價格合理,食物水準亦拍住日本,雖然環境偏細但非常切合日本居酒特色,燒三文魚,燒豬腩,雞軟骨,燒牛串等一定唔少得⋯重有大量唔同日本啤酒,清酒,威士忌,cocktail等等…放工睇完日落去同朋友聯誼下一流…記得book位
GOEMON Ramen Bar
12 Preston St, Brighton BN1 2HN
突然想搵碗拉麵頂下癮嘅朋友, 呢間可以一戰Aji Sushi
Unit 1, 1 The Drive, Hove BN3 3JE
KOGI Korean cuisine
30 York Pl, Brighton BN1 4GU
鍾意食韓國嘢,又想頂下癮,KOGI 絕對唔成問題,可能只係爭部電視播下K-pop
3 George St, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1RH
Bangkok Kitchen
81 London Rd, Brighton BN1 4JF
和Cafe an-an
和Cafe an-an 係係 94 Boundary Rd, Hove BN3 4EF 嘅一間日式平民小Cafa, 佢主要有早餐同埋午餐,佢哋嘅餐單有唔少日本嘅地道食物,有時仲有期間限定⋯佢哋嘅食物包括玉子燒,抹茶咖啡,三文魚飯早餐,大阪燒,日式咖喱飯,日式奄列三文治,花見丸子,同各式各樣嘅自家製蛋糕等⋯
30 Upper N St, Brighton BN1 3FG, United Kingdom
Fortune Supermarket
5 Fenchurch Walk, Brighton BN1 4GX
今日和大家介紹位於Brighton Fenchurch walk,喺Brighton火車站附近⋯
營業時間: Monday-Friday 10:00-19:00
Saturday 11:00-17:30
Sunday 11:30-17:00
Nine Supermarket
26 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XA
Time For Kimchi
Time For Kimchi
呢間位於Brighton市中心嘅一間韓國小型超市,除咗有大量韓國雜貨,零食等,其實佢都係一間小型嘅餐廳,有親手整嘅泡菜,有唔同特色嘅韓國甜品,沙冰,韓國茶,仲有韓式壽司,bibimbap,韓式麵包等等嘅韓式料理, 掛住韓國嘅朋友記得試吓
19 Church St, Brighton BN1 1RB
Regency Restaurant
Riddle & Finns The Lanes
The Coal Shed Restaurant Brighton
VIP Pizza Brighton
Burger Brothers
97 North Rd, Brighton BN1 1YE
Burger brothers,呢間被譽為全英最好食嘅漢堡包,沒有之一⋯都已經唔知點介紹好, 位置係
97 North Road, Brighton BN1 1YE England,佢哋嘅開舖時間唔係好穩定,總會有機會摸門釘,但好食嘅程度絕對值得博一下,因為真係返唔到轉頭⋯大家記得佢攞獎嗰個叫 bennetton burger....大約唔冼10磅就試到全英最好食嘅burger,絕對係底⋯佢有不定期外送服務⋯好嘢係要碰吓運氣⋯
The Old Bank Steak & Ribs
Athena B
Fish and chips
27 Station, Portslade BN41 1GB
呢間係曾經小弟工作過嘅一間Fish and chips, 好食都已經唔需要再解釋,佢哋係最傳統嘅fish and chip, 高質而且價錢合理⋯嚟到英國 絕對值得一試⋯最重要嘅係老闆娘同佢個仔非常有人情味, 非常支持社區,無論喺疫情期間免費支持緊急需要食物嘅人,同NHS, 平日都免費提供食物俾 Homeless, 佢哋個慷慨亦影響咗整個社區
嚟到Brighton 又想試吓正宗Fish and chips,佢地重有素食嘅餐,不妨支持下⋯
你哋只需要話Liberate Hong Kong, 就會有10%off
Cafe coho
cafe coho,住喺Brighton一段時間嘅朋友,又鍾意飲咖啡,都會聽過呢個名,佢哋喺2010年成立,包含熱情友好嘅Brighton 特式,休息,文青嘅好地,當然提供,各種高品質的咖啡同傳統英國Cafe 嘅食物.
Coming soon
Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected: 06 December 2018)
Reading: Average 0.6; Writing: Average 0.6; Maths: Average 0.5
Address:37 Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL
School type: Community school
Age range:4 to 11
Education phase: Primary
Gender of entry: Mixed
Local authority: Brighton and Hove
Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Julie Aldous
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected
Reading: Above average 2.7; Writing: Average 0.1; Maths: Average 0.6
- Address: Sussex Street, Brighton, BN2 9HS
- School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Ms Tamsen Beer
- Web: https://www.carltonhill.brighton-hove.sch.uk/brighton-hove/primary/carltonhill
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected
Reading: Average 0.3; Writing: Below average-1.8; Maths: Below average-1.8
- Address: Park Street, Brighton, BN2 0BN
- School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Anne Cox
- Web: http://www.queenspark.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
St Paul's CofE Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected
Reading: Average 0.9; Writing: Below average -2.5; Maths: Well below average -3.2
- Address: St Nicholas Road, Brighton, BN1 3LP
- School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Linda Dupret
- Web: https://stpaulsbrighton.co.uk/brighton-hove/primary/stpauls
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading:; Writing:; Maths: (No Information because they are public school)
- Address: Walpole Lodge, Brighton, BN2 0EU
- School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 3 to 13
- Education phase: Primary and Secondary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr John Weeks
- Web: https://www.brightoncollege.org.uk/admissions/pre-prep-prep/
St Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected 14
Reading: Average: -2.1; Writing: Average: 1.3; Maths: Average: 0.3
- Address: Spring Street, Brighton, BN1 3EF
- School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 3 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Andrea Wilson
- Web: https://stmarymags-brighton-hove.secure-dbprimary.com/brighton-hove/primary/stmarymags
Hamilton Lodge School and College for Deaf Children
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected 09 Jul 2019
Reading:; Writing:; Maths: (No Information because they are Non-maintained special school)
- Address: Walpole Road, Brighton, BN2 0LS
- School type: Non-maintained special school
- Age range: 5 to 19
- Education phase: Primary, Secondary and 16 to 18
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Billy McInally
- Web: https://www.hamiltonls.co.uk/
St Bartholomew's CofE Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected 12 Sep 2018
Reading: Average: 1; Writing: Average: 0.6; Maths: Average: 0.3
Address: Ann Street, Brighton, BN1 4GP
School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Katie Blood
- Web: https://www.st-bartholomews.brighton-hove.sch.uk/web
St Luke's Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 1 Outstanding (Inspected 10 Oct 2013)
Reading: Above average: 2.2; Writing: Above average: 1.8; Maths: Above average: 1.4
Address: Ann Street, Brighton, BN1 4GP
School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Jonathan Cooper
- Web: http://www.stlukes.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Brighton Girls GDST
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading:; Writing:; Maths: (No Information because they are Other independent school )
Address: Montpelier Road, BN1 3AT
School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 3 to 18
- Education phase: Primary, Secondary and 16 to 18
- Gender of entry: Girls
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Ms Rosie McColl
- Web: https://brightongirls.gdst.net/
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected
Reading: Average0.2; Writing: Average 1.2; Maths: Average 0.1
Address: Whitehawk Hill Road, Brighton, BN2 0AH
School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Ms Carmel Hughes
- Web: https://www.stjohn.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Elm Grove Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected
Reading: Below average -1.6; Writing: Below average -1.6; Maths: Well below average -3.9
Address: Elm Grove, Brighton, BN2 3ES
School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Ms Louise Willard
- Web: https://www.elmgrove.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
St Mark's CofE Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 3 Requires Improvement (inspected
Reading: Well below average-5.3; Writing: Average-0.3; Maths: Well below average-4.1
Address: Manor Road, Brighton, BN2 5EA
School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Jane Fendley
- Web: http://www.stmarks.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Fairlight Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (inspected 05 Dec 2018
Reading: Average-1.8; Writing: Average0.9; Maths: Below average-1.8
Address: St Leonard's Road, Brighton, BN2 3AJ
School type: Community school
- Age range: 3 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Damien Jordan
- Web: https://www.fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (inspected 05 Dec 2018
Reading: Above average 2; Writing: Above average 1; Maths: Average -0.7
Address: Somerhill Road, Hove, BN3 1RP
School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Ms Alison Colbran
- Web: https://www.brunswick.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Stanford Junior School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (inspected 17 Oct 2018
Reading: Above average 1.9; Writing: Average 0.5; Maths: Average 1.1
Address: Stanford Road, Brighton, BN1 5PR
School type: Community school
- Age range: 7 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Paul Davis
- Web: https://www.stanfordjun.brighton-hove.sch.uk/brighton-hove/primary/stanford
St Martin's CofE Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (inspected 20 Sep 2017
Reading: Average 0.3; Writing: Average 0.3; Maths: Average -1.7
Address: Hartington Road, Brighton, BN2 3LJ
School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 3 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: Mr Alex Wingham
- Web: http://www.stmartins.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Downs Infant School
- Ofsted rating: 1 Outstanding (Inspected 27 Jun 2013)
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: Ditchling Road, Brighton, BN1 6JA
School type: Community school
- Age range: 5 to 7
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Dr Hildi Mitchell
- Web: https://www.downsinf.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
City Academy Whitehawk
- Ofsted rating: 1 Outstanding (Inspected 27 Jun 2013)
Reading: Average -1.1; Writing: Well above average 2.6; Maths: Average -0.3
Address: Whitehawk Road, Brighton, BN2 5FL
School type: Academy sponsor led
- Age range: 2 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr Thomas McMorrin
- Web: https://www.caw.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Brighton Waldorf School
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: Roedean Road, BN2 5RA
School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 2 to 16
- Education phase: Primary and Secondary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr Damian Mooncie
- Web: http://www.brightonwaldorfschool.org/
Downs Junior School
- Ofsted rating: 1 Outstanding (Inspected 16 Mar 2011)
Reading: Average 0.4; Writing: Average -0.2; Maths: Average 0
Address: Rugby Road, Brighton, BN1 6ED
School type: Community school
- Age range: 7 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr Giovanni Franceschi
- Web: https://downsjunior-brighton-hove.secure-dbprimary.com/brighton-hove/primary/downsjunior
Windlesham School Trust Limited
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: 190 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 5AA
School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 3 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr John Ingrassia
- Web: https://www.windleshamschool.co.uk/
Stanford Infant School
- Ofsted rating: 1 Outstanding (Inspected 22 Feb 2007)
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: Highcroft Villas, Brighton, BN1 5PS
School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 7
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr Madeleine Denyer
- Web: http://www.stanfordinfants.co.uk/
The Montessori Place
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: 45 Cromwell Road, Hove, BN3 3ER
School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 1 to 16
- Education phase: Primary and Secondary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mr Robert W Gueterbock
- Web: http://themontessoriplace.org.uk/
Brighton & Hove Montessori School
- No Ofsted assessment published
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not available
Address: 67 Stanford Avenue, BN1 6FB
School type: Other independent school
- Age range: 2 to 12
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Ms Daisy Cockburn
- Web: https://www.brighton-montessori.org.uk/
Cottesmore St Mary's Catholic Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected 14 Nov 2017)
Reading: Average 1.1; Writing: Average -0.2; Maths: Average 0.1
Address: The Upper Drive, Hove, BN3 6NB
School type: Voluntary aided school
- Age range: 5 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mrs Rachel Breen
- Web: http://www.cottesmore.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
Coombe Road Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected )
Reading: Well above average 3.6; Writing: Average 0.8; Maths: Average 0.3
Address: Milner Road, Brighton, BN2 4BP
School type: Community school
- Age range: 4 to 11
- Education phase: Primary
- Gender of entry: Mixed
- Local authority: Brighton and Hove
- Headteacher / Principal: : Mrs Vicky Phillips
- Web: https://www.coomberoad.brighton-hove.sch.uk/
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
- Ofsted rating: 2 Good (Inspected 02 Nov 2017)
Reading: Not available; Writing: Not available; Maths: Not availa